Cooling Towers

Cooling Tower Rentals: Temporary and Emergency

TEM offers a complete line of fully automated rental cooling towers and tower trailers. Individual unit capacities range from 50 T (ton) to more than 800 T (ton) at standard operating temperatures (95F Ent / 85F Lvg / 74F WB).   Temporary cooling tower rentals can also be furnished to operate in conjunction with plate and frame heat exchangers to simulate the performance of temporary closed loop evaporative coolers.

Trailer – Mounted Cooling Tower
Temporary Cooling Tower Rentals from 50 Ton to 800 Ton

Temporary cooling tower trailer rentals are pre-packaged systems that are available for immediate deployment and rapid connection to an existing commercial, industrial or manufacturing facility. All portable temporary cooling tower trailers include a single point power connection including an integral fused disconnect or circuit breaker, a condenser water circulating pump and integral temperature regulated capacity control (with fan variable speed control).

For most applications, a rental cooling tower trailer can be dispatched to your job site, installed and started up literally within a matter of hours.

Why Replacement Cooling Towers

  • Planning for a replacement of your existing cooling tower? Rental and temporary cooling packages available
  • Need to perform maintenance and repair on your existing cooling tower? Rent one from TEM
  • Do you have inadequate cooling tower capacity to support your water chillers or process cooling requirements?
  • Are summer wet bulb temperature increases causing cooling tower performance problems?
  • Failure of a gearbox or fan shaft? We can help with a temporary cooling tower

Cooling Tower Rentals

Sizes Available

Cooling tower trailers are from 50 TR (tons) to 800 TR (tons) on one trailer.

We have also installed multiple towers (up to 3500 tons) in parallel by equalizing the basins.

